Our exceptional and experienced staff are dedicated to improving our patients' dental health and enhancing their smile. Together with a modern, fully equipped practice, and offering the latest innovations in dental care, including cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry, tooth whitening, dental implants and Invisalign clear braces, we've been caring for Bunbury's teeth for over 30 years!
Dr Clark , or “Blue" completed his degree in Dentistry at the University of Adelaide in 1981, sharing the "Year Prize" in restorative dentistry. Further studies saw him awarded the graduate Certificate in Dentistry in 1998. He undertook this training as he believes a regional or country dentist needs more skills where access to specialists is limited.
Although a general dentist, he has a keen interest in dental Implantology, aesthetic dentistry and crown and bridge treatment.
When not behind the dental chair, Blue enjoys spending time at the gym and playing the frustrated farmer on his truffle farm in Balingup.
Dr Anish Shah graduated from UWA in 2008, and has since been involved in public and private practice.
Anish wears his dental hat on Thursdays and Fridays at Dentistry on Marlston.
He spends the rest of his time as a full stack software developer consulting in a wide range of industries with a focus on automation.
If you see him come to work with a swollen face, you can rest assured it was not his wife or his computer that did that, but the bees he keeps (annoys?) on his small farm in Balingup.